Welcome to MicEMD’s documentation!¶
the GUI is as follows
The left of the GUI are two tabs about parameters setting: FDEM detection and TDEM detection. We demonstrate the inversion application based on the FDEM detection and demonstrate the classification application based on the TDEM detection. From top to bottom on the right of the GUI are the tab-based results display, the output of the current program, and function buttons.

The simulation can be built by following steps:
1. Firstly, create the target, detector, collection class of the forward modeling, and call the simulate interface to generate the observed data.
2. Then, for the inversion problem, set the inversion parameters and call
the inverse interface to estimate the properties of the metal target;
for the classification problem, call the preprocess interface to reduce
the dimension of the observed data and call the classify interface to
classify underground metal targets.
3. Finally, create the Handler class to analyze, show, and save the results.
Example 1: FDEM Inversion
The example is to show FDEM simulation and the inversion application. We simulated the EMI response of the metal cylinderical targets in underground environments based on FDEM forward modeling and used the least-squares inversion methods to estimate the properties of the metal target conclude the triaxial coordinate(x,y,z), triaxial polarizability(βx,βy,βz), and the orientation(pitch and roll angle) of the metal target.
Simulation settings
Default values of the target parameters
Default values of the detector parameters

Default values of the collection parameters

Main code
run the code by 'python article_exam1.py'
you can get the forward modeling results in the file path 'MICEMD\src\results\fdemResults\forward_res':
The 'magdata.csv' includes the triaxial coordinates of location of the receiver and triaxial induced magnetic field strength:
x represents the x-coordinate of the receiver location
x represents the y-coordinate of the receiver location
x represents the z-coordinate of the receiver location
hz represents the induced magnetic field strength of z-axis,
hx represents the induced magnetic field strength of x-axis,
hy represents the induced magnetic field strength of y-axis.

The 'BFGS.csv' includes parameters estimates, true values of parameters, and the error of estimates, and parameters estimates include the location of metal targets, the polarizability of metal targets, and the orientation of metal targets.
x,y and z represent the triaxial coordinate,
polarizability_1,polarizability_2 and polarizability_3 represent triaxial polarizability,
pitch and roll represent the orientation(pitch and roll angle) of the metal target.
Example 2: TDEM Classification
The second example is to show the TDEM forward modeling and the classification application. We simulate the TDEM characteristic attenuation response of metal ellipsoid targets based on the dipole model, and we classify the material and shape using the data-based methods based on the artificial neural network classification model and PCA dimensionality reduction algorithm. The shape types of metal targets are divided into two categories according to the aspect ratio which can be calculated by transverse radius divided by the axial radius. If the aspect ratio is greater than 1, the shape is oblate, otherwise, it is prolate. The material types of metal targets are divided into three categories, including steel, nickel(Ni), and aluminum(Al).
Simulation settings
Default values of the target parameters
Default values of the detector parameters

Default values of the collection parameters

Main code
run the code by 'python article_exam2.py'Results
you can get the forward modeling results and the results after dimensionality reduction in the file path 'MICEMD\src\results\tdemResults\forward_res':
The 'fwd_res.csv' includes the observed data generated by TDEM forward modeling.
The 'sample.csv' includes one random sample data.
The 'ori_shape_train.csv' and 'ori_shape_test.csv' represent the original dataset for shape classification.
The 'ori_material_train.csv' and 'ori_material_test.csv' include the original dataset for material classification.
The 'dim_shape_train.csv' and 'dim_shape_test.csv' include the finale dataset after dimensionality reduction for shape classification.
The 'dim_material_train.csv' and 'dim_material_test.csv' include the finale dataset after dimensionality reduction for material classification.
The 'sample.png' is the display of the sample data in 'sample.csv'.

The 'cls_material_res.csv' includes the results of material classification.
The 'cls_material_res.csv' includes the results of material classification.
The two files above include the true label, predicted label and the accuracy of the classification.
The 'cls_result_material.pdf' includes the confusion matrix of the material classification results.
The 'cls_result_shape.pdf' includes the confusion matrix of the shape classification results.